Dear Parents,
On behalf of Burdine Elementary, I am happy to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential. We recognize that to be successful in school, our children need support from both home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a significant difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.
Our theme for this year is: Dream Big, Sparkle More, Shine Bright!
We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that they
-attend school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learning experience.
-complete all unfinished work sent home/practice activities given by teachers.
-reads daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills.
-share school experiences with you so that you are aware of their school life.
-inform you if they needs additional support in any area or subject.
-know that you expect them to succeed in school.
This school year we will continue using High Quality Instructional Resources which include: Envision Math, MyView Reading, and UFLI for phonics and phonemic awareness. UFLI is a new program we have added to strengthen foundational reading skills. This program approaches phonics/spelling differently than traditional programs and is research and evidenced base. All students will participate in RTI (Response to Intervention) as a part of our MTSS (Multi Tiered System of Support). During this daily intervention time students will work in small groups on skills and concepts they need to develop. We will also be offering after school tutoring services to students who need extra help. This will begin after Labor Day.
The school has also improved our CAV card system and golden ticket rewards for PBIS (Positive Behavior Supports). The school also offers a variety of ways for parent communication through the Jenkins/Rooms app, Parent Portal (Infinite Campus), and email. If you need to learn more about these forms of communication please call the front office 606-832-2711.
We will also be offering "Coffee with the Principal" this year, so look for those invites on the Jenkins app and on the Jenkins Independent Facebook page. We are looking to strengthen our connection with parents and families, so if you are interested in volunteering call 606-832-2711 to inquire about the process of becoming a volunteer!
Please do not hesitate to contact or book an appointment to see the School Principal if you wish to discuss any issues or challenges regarding your child. You can call the front office to set up a meeting or email danielle.adkins@jenkins.kyschools.us. I feel privileged to be a part of this school family. We thank you for your support and look forward to all the great things we accomplish this school year!
C-A-V-S Let’s Go Cavs!
Mrs. Adkins