
The JMHS Robotics Team, led by coaches Trey Johnson and Alandra Baker, was highlighted at the October 2024 JIS Board meeting for their successes during recent Robotics competitions.

Pacyn Seals, who attends Burdine Elementary School, led the Pledge of Allegiance at the October 2024 JIS Board meeting. She is pictured with Superintendent Damian Johnson.

Carley Franklin and Johannah Banks were recognized at the May JIS BOE meeting. They both had prefect attendance this school year. They were presented with a perfect attendance award and a check for $100 each. Both girls are also straight "A" students.

Junior Alyssa Fields was recognized by the JIS BOE at the May Board meeting. Alyssa was selected to participate in the Governor's Scholar Program. She will attend at Murray State University this summer. She was also recognized by the KHSAA as a "Triple Threat".

Carsen Watts, a second grade student at Jenkins Elementary , was selected to lead the May Board meeting in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Carsen, pictured above, was given a certificate of appreciation during the meeting by Paulette Sexton.

The student spotlight for the April Board of Education meeting was Delaney Johnson and Lynsey Anderson. Both of these students have already earned two associate degrees prior to their high school graduation in May of this year.

Raelynn Anderson, a third grade student at Burdine Elementary , was selected to lead the January Board meeting in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Avery, pictured above, was given a certificate of appreciation during the meeting by Board member Paulette Sexton.

Seventh grader Kimber Collins was presented with a trophy by JIS board Chairman Chris Bentley at the March board meeting. Kimber is the All "A" Classic Individual champion. Mr. Johnson also revealed a banner that will be hung in the gym at the Jenkins Middle High School Gym.

Coach Lee was presented with a plaque by Superintendent Damian Johnson at the March BOE meeting. The plaque was to honor all of the team's accomplishments for the season. The team had 18 wins this season which is the most by any Jenkins team in the last 23 years.

Jenkins High School basketball team was highlighted at the March BOE meeting. They had18 wins this season. That is the most wins by a team in the last 23 years. They finished ranked in the top 10 in RPI for the season. They also finished 2nd in rebounding as a team in the state for the year.

The Jenkins Archery Team was honored at the March board meeting. The team had 3 members that qualified for state; Layton Fleming, Emily Whitaker, and Kimber Collins. The team consist of 19 members, 9 of which are academic archers. That means they are successful in the classroom as well.

Fourth grade student at Burdine Elementary Amelia Pannell was selected to lead the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance at the March Board of Education meeting. Amelia was presented with a certificate by JIS board member Sarah Brown.

Ian Hall, pictured above with JIS Board member Paulette Sexton, led the Pledge of Allegiance at the February board meting. Ian is a third grade student at Burdine Elementary.

Landon Thacker and Kinzleigh Damron qualified to compete in the State Academic competition and were recognized by the board during the February board meeting. Landon was presented with a certificate of appreciation by board member Charlotte Mullins.

Noah Gibson, 2nd grader at Burdine Elementary school, was selected to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the October board meeting. Noah was presented a certificate of appreciation by board member Patrick Sturgill.

Ashley Addington, Athletic Director at JMHS, was highlighted at the October board meeting for her outstanding work being done with the JMHS Sports Marketing program. She was assisted by Miss Alexis Richie.

Luann Vermillion, Artist and Teacher at JMHS, was highlighted at the October board meeting for the exceptional creative projects that she and her Art students have completed so far this year.

The high school Cross Country team, with Coach Congleton, was the November student spotlight. The boys team qualified for state competition, placing 3rd in the region.

Burdine kindergartener Cami Richardson was selected to open the November Board meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Cami was selected for her hard work and positive attitude.

January is School Board Recognition Month, a great time to say thank you to our school board members for their dedication and service to our district!

Board member Charlotte Mullins was recognized by Superintendent Johnson for going above and beyond, spending countless hours assisting our district finance office over the past few months.

Superintendent Johnson presented each member with a beautiful custom-made plaque made from pieces of the old JHS bleachers during the January 2024 meeting.

The JMHS Drama Department led by Susan Fields was highlighted at the May 2024 JIS Board meeting for the recent successful production of Aladdin, Jr. Pictured from L-R is Charlotte Mullins, Landon Thacker, Jolene Mullins and Susan Fields.

Braxton Potter, Kindergarten student at Burdine Elementary School, led the Pledge of Allegiance at the May 2024 JIS Board meeting. He is pictured with Superintendent Damian Johnson and Principal Danielle Adkins.

Lydia Mullins, 3rd grade student at Burdine Elementary School, led the Pledge of Allegiance at the January 2025 JIS Board meeting. She is pictured with Board Member Charlotte Mullins and Principal Danielle Adkins.